Serving sportsmen, ranchers, farmers, timberland managers and others who own or lease rural land:
Mission Statement:This organization is organized exclusively for protection and promotion of rural landowner and leaseholder rights to enjoy their land as they see fit. Does dog-deer hunting have an image problem?It is a unique dog sport unlike other dog-hunting sports because it:
Negative consequences associated with dog-deer hunting
Did you know?
HNF permit system info
| Membership InfoFor information on joining or paying for membership, visit our Membership page: (video from WRAL TV, content warning: some viewers may find some of the footage in this video disturbing) Relevant ArticlesSUMMARY: MS Supreme Court ruling on Prentiss County nuisance lawsuit against dog-deer hunters (June 2024) MS Supreme Court ruling on Prentiss County nuisance lawsuit against dog-deer hunters (May 2024) Senator Seymour's hunting tickets Injunction Issued Against Prentiss County Dog Deer Hunters (December 2022) Mississippi Hunter Harvest Survey 2019-2020 (2020) Best Management Practices and Current Status of Dog-Deer Hunting in the Southeastern United States (2020) Proposed Permit System for Private Lands USFS Executive Summary, Georgia Dog-Deer Hunting Study(2019) Georgia Dog-Deer Hunting Study [Tasks 1-3] Georgia Dog-Deer Hunting Study (Task 4] RPRAM's comments on MHDA's critique of the Georgia Dog-Deer Hunting Study (October 2019) Kisatchie National Forest deer dog ban legal opinion (December 2018) Mason-Dixon Poll of MS Voters Regarding their Attitude Towards Hunting Deer with Dogs on Public Land (December 2017) MDWFP 2016-2017 Deer Hunter Survey Results CFEDH Incident Report CFEDH Road Hunting Paper (2015) Dog-Deer Hunting ArticlesSubmit an Incident Report
(Members only)
For incidents involving dogs, deer-dog hunters, or both. You do not have to have caught the dog and you do not have to be in HNF permit system area. This is for all deer-dog- and deer-dog-hunter-related problems. Education 2016Member Hunting Photos |