You may pay online using your credit card, or by mailing a check to our P.O. box. On-line payments will be processed through our financial host Affinipay.
Please use mixed upper- and lower-case letters when you complete your application or update your profile, at least for your name, address, and county or counties. Otherwise, one of the admins will have to take the time to edit your information.
Welcome to the MS Property Rights Association. If you are not on our mailing list, please complete an application for membership. Applications are subject to approval by the Board of Directors. If your application is not approved, your membership payment will be refunded.
If you are on our mailing list, you are already a member. If you are a Legacy member (a member before we had a website) and want to pay for your membership, or are a paid member and want to upgrade to a higher membership level in order to support the cause, please follow these steps: