Our largest and oldest chapter is centered around the Homochitto National Forest. Due in large part to the efforts of our members, a permit system in HNF was implemented for dog-deer hunters and their dogs. Under the permit system, the owners of dogs caught trespassing could be prosecuted by the land owners upon whose land the dogs trespassed.
Landowners, leaseholders, and still hunters in southeast Mississippi have formed a chapter to deal with deer-dog problems specific to their area. They are concerned with issues in the DeSoto National Forest area and private land to private land deer-dog problems in areas east of the Pearl River and south of Hwy 98/42.
The North Mississippi chapter formed for landowners, leaseholders and still hunters north of Hwy 82 in north Mississippi. This chapter is focused on private land to private land deer dog trespass issues, as well as trespassing on land around the Holly Springs National Forest.